Fertilizer distributors support LETS TALK initiative


Incitec Pivot, Koch Australia, Impact Fertilisers and Wengfu have all come on board and are financially supporting this community driven initiative

After a request from the LETS TALK Foundation, fertilizer distributor staff members are supporting the initiative in south west Victoria.

The communities of south-west of Victoria have become increasingly concerned for well-being of their communities as in 2016, 16 people made a choice that they wished to end their lives including four  young people.

Unfortunately, this is a statistic repeated across the country, with rural areas having some of the highest rates. The Australian Bureau of Statistics for 2015 stated 3,027 people took their own lives by suicide across the country and in 2016 it rose to 3,250.

It’s a statistic Jane and Mick Fitzgibbon, who lost their 21-year-old son Sam, believe can change.

The aim of the LETS TALK initiative is to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, encourage sufferers to seek help and urge others to start conversations if they are concerned about some else’s behavioural change.

Mrs Fitzgibbon said since the program’s inception, it had been delivered to more than 7000 people.

The LETS TALK program essentially involves presentations to community groups presented by family members bereaved by suicide, or have suffered Mental Illness themselves, but have recovered. Following then is a mental health professional talking about depression, anxiety, stress related difficulties and how they can be treated.

LETS TALK aims to

1.      Reduce the Stigma of Mental Illness,

2.      Encourage help-seeking; and

3.      lncrease the competency of the whole community of how to ask the question where there are concerns.

For more Information on the initiative contact John Parkinson on 03 55 640623 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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