AFSA State Committees
State Committees provide a forum for members to contribute to the development of the Association, to participate in knowledge sharing and to learn about what is happening in the Association and the industry.
They are the basis of member networks through which members can access technical knowledge, business opportunities, information and other assistance.
We currently have committees in NSW, SA, TAS, VIC, WA.
Western Australia
Western Australian Office Bearers for 2019/2020 are
David Holdsworth
PO Box 14, Wyalkatchem. 6485
Mobile: 0427 918904 Email:
David Tonkin
Newdegate Spreading P/L
Mobile: 0427 978 005 Email:
Krysteen McElroy
Mobile: 0408 655 108 Email:
Larry Marchant
P.O. Box 36, Trayning. 6488.
Mobile: 0427 831 081 Email:
History of AFSA in Western Australia
(as written by Pam Clulow in 2005)
In 1961 the Fertilizer Company (CSML) Cumming Smith Mount Lyall (Now CSBP & Farmers) purchased a number of Marshall Spreaders to promote the supply of bulk super phosphate as an alternative to the bagged product.
The original plan was to rent the spreaders to Contractors and at the end of the season they had to return the units back to Marshalls at Harvey so they could be reconditioned then in readiness for the next season. The only means of unloading the super phosphate out of the rail trucks was the Clark Shovel again made by Marshalls, purchased by CSML and operated the same as the spreaders. After several years some contractors approached CSML to purchase their own equipment rather than return them every year. CSML agreed.
The use of bulk fertilizer grew over time and coordinated by CSBP & Farmers, so did Branches of Spread Service, this then changed to Super Bulk and Sequence Bulk Services.
In 1976 Bulk Fertilizer Service was formed to combine all three names. It was still coordinated by CSBP & Farmers and commenced with 80 members
In October 1993 after a visit by the then President Gary Wise and Secretary Neil Henry it was decided that Western Australia would join with the Australian Fertilizer Services Association.
The inaugural meeting was held at the Metro Inn with David Holdsworth of Wyalkatchem elected as the President, Rod Donnes of Dalwallinu Vice President and Les Clulow of Katanning Secretary/Treasurer