Jarrod’s involvement in the ground spread industry started at a young age with the family owning and operating spreaders from the early 90’s.
“My father, Jeff and mother, Jo drove spreaders and so for as long as I remember I sat in a spreader most days until I was old enough to go to school” Jarrod says.
From a young age Jarrod had a love for 3 things, motorbikes, machinery and numbers so it made sense that when Jarrod left school he would study mechanical engineering. Jarrod moved away from his home in Tasmania to complete a Mechanical engineering degree at the University of Newcastle, graduating with Honours and completing his thesis on fertilizer spreaders.
By this stage, Jeff had sold the contracting business and was now manufacturing spreaders for the contracting market, so Jarrod worked part time for the business Southern Spreaders while studying.
“I finished my degree in 2013 and at the age of 22 I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew nothing but spreaders. I’d worked part time for the Southern Spreaders and it was the one job I really enjoyed. I get bored easily and I like change and progress, so this has probably helped me extend my knowledge of spreaders to where it is. I’ve been quite fortunate to build some good relationships with suppliers and customers. They have assisted with both knowledge, time and finance in trying new things and allowing me to make mistakes and learn. I believe without this freedom and opportunity I probably wouldn’t have stayed motivated to do what I do and love.” said Jarrod
Since 2013, Jarrod has learnt nearly every aspect of the business and is now acting as general manager, “As a young kid you think you know everything. Dad and I have definitely had our differences in opinions over the years in regards to both product and the business. However, he has always let me make my own mistakes and learn from them, I remember as a kid I would call Dad on the UHF at the house to ask how much oil my YZ85 held. He knew, but he’d always tell me to read the book or work it out. I used to get so frustrated I just wanted the answer, but I’m glad now that he made me work it out. It has been the same since I’ve been working for the company, he helps but he doesn’t hand out the answers, this has allowed me to grow and learn for myself and also prepared me for when Dad did step away from the day to day business”.
In 2019, Jarrod was elected to the Board of the AFSA “To be honest I was nervous to become a board member. I discussed the possibility with a couple of other members and they gave me the comfort that I’d be supported coming in. Krysteen keeps us all in line, so it is not as daunting as I first though. The reason I considered becoming a member in the first place was due to the fact that I had started to understand over the past few years what the ground spreading industry is facing. With trucks on the road, it is becoming harder and harder to comply and make a profit at the same time. My involvement with Accu-spread has also opened my eyes to the lack of information available with regards to fertilizer stats and spreadability. These issues are not something a single person or company can combat, I see an opportunity with my knowledge and contacts to help the industry move forward and to offer more to our members. Also, with our industry aging I saw a good opportunity to help inject a bit of fun back into the industry and attract some younger people back into spreaders”.
In 2020, Jarrod plans to turn 30, continue R&D and product improvement with the Southern spreaders range, “the R&D and product improvement are what drive me to go to work every day.” In addition to all that is happening in Jarrod’s businesses in 2020, he is also excited for AFSA National conference in Tailem Bend, where he is assisting to organize the best conference possible for the people in the paddock and the industry on a day to day basis.
Jarrod’s contact details
Phone: 03 5334 2611
Email: jarrod@southernspreaders.com.au