Fertcare® Level-A gets an upgrade

Your feedback has flagged that it is time to upgrade Fertcare Level A.

Besides a review of content, the biggest advance will be our move to an interactive online delivery platform, which will allow your staff to complete Level-A without the expense and inconvenience of travel and accommodation.

Fertcare® Level-A has proven a really important aspect of AFSA’s support to members for quite some time. It was originally designed to ensure all personnel involved directly, or in-directly, in the handling of fertilisers have the required knowledge to minimise risk to the environment, food safety and WH&S, as well as compliance associated with transport, storage and spreading of fertiliser and soil amendments.
Our members have successfully put well over 1,000 participants through the training to date.

We are keen to have your input. Whether you have already benefited from Level A training or you are still considering it; we want to hear your ideas about what we should be addressing in this upgrade that would assist your staff and business.

Our Executive is near to getting sign-off to contract training development consultants, which means we expect to progress through updating all of the modules in Level-A in the next six months.

We will be keeping you informed on our progress but for now your input is essential to ensure that this upgrade provides the best possible outcomes for you.

Please contact Owen McCarron with your thoughts and input asap

Owen McCarron:  companysecretary@afsa.net.au

Decemeber 2020